Tool Library Customization
You can customize the header row to ease the tool selection.

Remove a header
When doing a Right-click on the header row [1], a list of parameters [2] will appear.
Untick the check box next to the parameter and it will remove the column from the table.
Global Add
This option allows the user to add a parameter column in all the tools tables (Ball End Mill, Radius End Mill,…).
Do a Right-Click on the parameter column.
Left-click on Global add [3].
Global Deletion
This option allows the user to remove a parameter column from all the tools tables (Ball End Mill, Radius End Mill,…)
Do a Right-Click on the parameter column.
Left-click on Global Deletion [4].
Move Header
This option allows the user to move a parameter column in the header row according to its importance.
Click and Drag the Column to the right or left.