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Edit Solid

GO2cam implements parametric design principles in the creation process. As a geometrical element/object is created, the history of creation is kept in a database. This methodology makes it possible for the selected element/object to have a link to all construction previously made. Also a history tree showing chronologically the operations for creation of a body part is also accessible and editable.

Parameterizing is a powerful functionality of GO2cam, you can find more information about it by clicking here!

There are two methods to edit a solid:

  1. by using Edit Element command.

  2. by using the Control command.

Edit Element

To edit an element on a solid, you must access the Edit Element Command [1] and where an Editing Tree [2] will appear on the left side of the screen.

There are various ways to access the Edit Element Command:


  • Using the Text Menu, click on Edit then select Edit Element.

  • Click on the Element to modify.


  • Right click in background.

  • Click on the element.


  • Right click on element.

  • Select Edit Element.


  • Using the shortcut, Ctrl + H.

  • Select Edit Element.


  • Double clicking on the face of the element.

By Double clicking on the face of an element, you will be taken to the corresponding line on the tree.

You can also edit another element while you are on the tree as follows:

You can either Right click > Edit element or Double click on other elements to make modifications and it opens back the dialog used to create it.

Construction points are visible: a color convention is applied to free points (green), locked points (red), selected point (highlighted)
You can also edit the values directly in the dimensions.

▶️ You can watch a video on editing an element on solid:

Modify Main element of a solid - Copy-20240814-110141.png


You can also modify an element on a solid using the Control Command.

You should make sure that the control command is set as follows:

  1. Measure on Solid

  2. Topological Information

  • When hovering over the elements on the solid, if a pencil symbol appears, click on it or the element name to enter a Rapid Edit.

  • Modify the value in the field and validate.

Here we have the new radius of the cylinder.

You can watch a video on how to use the control command to edit a milling solid:

Use of Control command to modify solid geometry-20240814-110325.png

This video shows you one of the major strengths of GO2cam regarding the solid editing and especially tolerancing:

Modification of solid and adding Tolerance-20240814-104341.png

You can watch a video on modification and tolerancing on turning solid:

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