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Machining Tree - Machining


You can accede to many complementary functions useful for machining.

To accede to these functions, right-click on the Machining line of the Machining Tree :

Milling Dialog

Turning Dialog

EDM Dialog


Common Options

Opelist Import (Import Strategy)

Loading an operation list... please read the corresponding chapter


To accede to the TOGO processes


You can hide all the machining cycles at once. For the same action, you can also press the third button of the mouse (wheel).

List of operations

You can accede to several lists of operation and their specific functions : Simple, Techno, Tool, Time, Synchro (Turning only).

New in v6: you can edit these list of operations under several formats. Click the button Export, and choose the type of format: *.csv, *.txt or *.pdf.

Techno Functions

These functions are considered as operations in the tree ; you can add stop, coolant and specific operations etc.

SPG Tag and SPG Call

Creation of sub-programs treated by the post-processor


Deletion of all the operations defined


Machining time of the whole part calculated regarding the cutting conditions

▶️ You can watch a video on how to search in the list of operations:

How to search in an operation list.png

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