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Users Holes HMF

Users Holes is an optional package available only with the purchase of the HMF module.


Two commands are accessible in the Design tab under Wireframe/Holes or Solid/Features:


Users Holes Management provides the tools required to create, modify and delete user hole models.


Users Holes gives access to models created by the user according to their specific needs, which can be used to define these customized holes on a part, or used for hole recognition and machining.

A user hole model involves linking a hole’s topology to an operation list. The user creates the shape and defines the relative operation list.

This option allows to set up all hole types; blind or through, provides flexibility in creating unconventional shapes and defining multiple stages, and choose a surface for every stage: smooth, tapped, reamed, or counter-bored.

The operation list is automatically created. Users can further customize these models by incorporating formulas that link machining parameters or by imposing constraints relative to the hole dimensions and shapes.

Its main advantage is the creation and management of a user library with frequently drilled holes, a useful standardization, especially for parts such as mold frames, fluid flow holes of screw holes, etc.

Note: these models are created by the user in GO2cam and saved automatically under *.CSV format.

Click on the links below for the topics related to this chapter:


Creation of a User Hole Model

Detailed view on the steps to create a User Hole model from scratch.


Defining Formula and Constraints

Explanations on defining conditions in the operation list for multi-holes application.


Application of Users Holes

Explanations on how User Hole Models are used in GO2cam.

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