Revisions Notes for GO2cam V6.10
Current Version Revision Note: 215
Previous versions
Type | Release Note Information |
Fixed, a Crash when editing a point on a NURBS without history | |
DXF/DWG export: some dimensions were not correctly exported. | |
Fixed, Selecting X axis for plane creation if the current plane is not 1 | |
Contouring: we fixed an issue in the calculation of Z allowance in No gouge mode | |
We fixed an issue in the projection of geometry in a developed plane | |
Makino export now always respects the iso destination folder defined in the machine file. | |
Plunge milling: the stock was not correctly calculated when the cutting length of tool was too short. | |
We fixed an issue in the calculation of Turn Facing operation | |
Creation of Axial Plane: we can click any point to create an axial plane. | |
Turning: a bug in stock calculation happened after modifying solid geometry; we fixed an issue in the silhouette calculation | |
Fix in the calculation of stock available for Probing on origin. | |
Improvements on the join function. More consistent, better preview | |
GO2cam operator: we fixed an issue while running the 'Execute' button in the command 'Edit the Machining', while it was working properly when running the command in the machining tree. | |
The display of the Z altitudes in the label of a pocket calculated by opelists was wrong: fixed. | |
Part Symmetry: some contouring and chamfering operations were not calculated correctly, we fixed it. We also improved the symmetry by taking into considerations the leadin/leadout settings (for example, in 'inverted' mode, Start overlength and Final overlength values are inverted too!) | |
Fixed an issue of profile arrow display out of milling context | |
Pocket: we fixed a crash occuring while defining a Z value lower than the part. | |
Pockets: improvement of the option Open Area on 3D stock. | |
Fixed, orientation of the tool for broaching cycles in dynamic simulation. | |
Drilling reaming operation (Turning): when used in lower turret, the boring cutter was not properly handled in dynamic simulation. | |
In geometry, picking altitudes on polylines did not work properly. | |
SPI function : Fix a regression. SPI_way_profile. SPI_GEO_create_parallel_profile with null or negative value. | |
Fixed an issue in the creation of fillets or chamfers on profile |
Type | Release Note Information |
Crash report: we fixed 1 very frequent crash occuring in 3D toolpath calculation, in case of not enough remaining material. | |
Crash Reporting: thanks to this automatic system, we fixed about 20 different crashes between revision 211 and revision 212 | |
Fixing options into the Face Deletion function of Solid Edition | |
Developed plane : Fix problem in unit for coordinates. Ordinates are in degrees for "degree" planes, and in mm/inch for "mm/inch" plane | |
4X Facing : When use techno function on 4X facing operation, the toolpath normal was lost. It has been fixed. | |
Turning: we fixed an issue of non-continuous toolpath in the ZigZag groove calculation. | |
Bug fixed in the recognition of wire EDM profiles on a solid | |
Time calculation of tool change rapids was wrong in milling. It was due to a new calculation of time for MTE added in V6.09, that will be now done only in millturn. | |
EDM : dynamic simulation. Break if stop doesn't work. It has been fixed. | |
Opelist link was broken when edit name without renaming in machining tree. It has been fixed. | |
'Bottom face' pocketting was not calculated correctly in the case of a face overlapping a filllet | |
Fix a problem to mount symbol on machine in MTE if no mobile elemetn present. | |
We modified the display of some dialogs according to the change of scale size in windows settings (125% for instance). Some dialogs could not be open (Management of Attributes for example.) | |
When creating a solid from stock, it was not correctly taken into consideration by the filter of solids: fixed. | |
Fix in the selection of a groove after applying an opelist. | |
Fixing options into the Face Deletion function of Solid Edition | |
T67_Haas : Add he missing G95 code for axial tapping with livetool for main spindle | |
When reopen GO2cam after a crash, by double clicking on PCE, it doesn't ask to open SAUV_CRASH. Before, you can open SAUV_CRASH with pce double clicked and the both were merge. It can occur problems. | |
MTE Simulation : Fix a problem in the approach point for horizontal milling with B axis. | |
Type | Release Note Information |
4X Spiral : The parameter inversion of path had no effect. Now it inverts the path. If it was external to center, after checked inversion to yes, the toolpath will be center to external. | |
Corrected. Material is associated with with the one defined into the cfx file. | |
Correction of crash in Rework operation | |
Correction of MTE Simulation to simulate toolchange. | |
Dynamic simulation of Broaching: the tool was not correctly positioned during simulation, we fixed it. | |
Feature tab deleted into the machining menu until next revision due to these rebuilt. | |
Fix a problem with finish reworking operation linked with the APMAX of tool. The tool cannot reach the bottom of reference. | |
Fix issue with circle creation by 3 points (start - end - on it) | |
millyuGO 2D : delete some air cutting when plunge above a hole | |
MTE Simulation : Fixe a problem to manage complexe turret with B axis and tool mounted in different direction for mill turn machine | |
Now operation time is shown in the popup when dragging mouse on an operation in the machining tree. | |
Now shorcut key F7 is activated for Dynamic Rotation | |
We fixed an issue occuring on Texts in the command 'Part Symmetry' | |
We improved the display of curves and circles in developped planes | |
When a 'move' is applied on a solid face (move, extend, taper, add tolerance, etc.), it is now possible to change the face color when we edit the solid with 'Edit element'. | |
When used STL file instead of stock simulation. The name of STL was troncated. It's now ok | |
Wire edm: a double-profile with same number of elements on top and bottom was not correctly recognized by the cycle '4 axis element/element': fixed. |
T | Release Note Information |
In the document ‘What’s New’, we added links to watch videos about new features of V6.10. | |
Wire EDM: the calculation of offset for material removal in dynamic simulation was wrong; fixed in V6.10.205. | |
GO2operator: we fixed several issues and improved the recognition process. | |
Solve Parting simulation in MTE for millturn ( | |
Turning: a fake collision was detected, we fixed it. Also, we modified the management of piloted points in the tree of collisions in dynamic simulation. | |
Updating a PCE file generated a crash: fixed in V6.10.205 | |
Turning: fix a problem of MTE simulation with internal cycle in rework spindle when tool is mounted in B axis spindle. | |
Feature display enhancement | |
New shortcut to load FMO files directly in Machining Tree>Machine | |
Feature recognition : fixed a bug when creating feature | |
Control command on half-cylinder: in that situation, the value displayed used to be a diameter, but the RapidEdit dialog displayed a radius value! We fixed it in V6.10.205. | |
When a techno file was selected and a value was modified in the strategy page, finally this modification was not taken into account; we fixed this wrong behaviour. | |
Export to Vericut: we fixed an issue of wrong tightening point | |
Parting cycle: new ability to define chip-breaking with a retract distance set to 0 | |
Turning: the C rotation of a cycle using Y axis on subspindle was wrong in MTE simulation. | |
Fixed problem during simulation for chipbreaking cycle (drilling) when the retract is null. | |
We fixed a bug in the selection of Top Z value on a pocket and island profile (= | |
In turning, the command "Transfer to Layout/Dimensioning" created multiple useless views: it is back to former behaviour, with only 'Revolution' view. | |
Turning: the management of piloted points for internal groove was wrong; fixed in V6.10.205 | |
Solve dynamic simulation issues for axial milling operations. | |
Solve MTE simulation problem with several Wags in Milling. | |
MPM Improvements:
| |
Turning MTE: add the possibility to manage 2 different indexations in Balanced Roughing operation | |
We fixed an issue of a spindle retract that was too short in MTE | |
Fixed a problem to apply automatic opelist in turning with inverting profile selection | |
Tool selection enhancement for Opelists used for Features | |
The F8 key displayed a popup menu to choose a view. The view selection has no effect in MTE. | |
Material file: the tool families were not correctly assigned in the table of cutting conditions. | |
NC editor: we added the count of the number of characters | |
Profile on solids: the middle of an element, symbolized by a balloon on the profile, was not taken into consideration; fixed in V6.10.205 (= | |
Add PCE file: we fixed a bug that occured when we added a part with a chosen Z altitude. Sometimes the geometry was broken, it is fixed in 6.10.205. | |
millyuGO: fix a collision occuring while entering the material | |
Wireframe: fix issue when creating 3 points circles with tangency constraints on entities having different Z levels | |
Fix crash / improve reliability of offset curves CAD command | |
Post-Processor: output of external thread milling was wrong; fixed. SC 15753 | |
Thread Milling: in a exterior toolpath, there were some dangerous exit motions that we fixed. SC 15752 | |
Fix of several issues in the selection of contouring on a Z evolutive profile SC 15715 | |
We fixed a bug in jig boring cycle, due to a bad management of the tip of chamfer tool SC 15713 | |
The MTE simulation was wrong while mounting a WAG system on a WAG rotary device. SC 15664 | |
Roughing/Reworking is improved to manage better the Face Mill Cutter with 45° inserts. SC 15598 | |
Feature recognition : fixed a bug when creating feature | |
In Windows11, 2 buttons to validate / cancel a dialog were missing in 5 Axis Expert dialog. SC 15119 | |
We implemented new version 2023.04 of ModuleWorks for 5 axis Expert toolpaths |
Report # | Type | Category | Topic |
15747 | Bug | 3X Milling | Z Level Finish : better toolpath calculation with a woodruff cutter defined with a clearance diameter. |
15741 | Enhancement | Wire EDM | Threading points : the direction has now several modes :
15727 | Bug | 3X Milling | We fixed an issue in the calculation of stock allowance for Rough/Rework done with a Face Mill Cutter with a large Kr angle. |
15712 | Bug | Layout Design | Moving a dimension defined with the command ‘Profile Dimensioning’ was crashing GO2cam : fixed. |
15708 | Bug | Milling | Vice and Clamps : we fixed an issue in the positioning of vice. |
15704 | Bug | Turning | Dynamic Simulation : the orientation of the drill used to machine radial inner holes was wrong. It is now fixed in 6.10.204. |
15702 | Bug | Milling | In ’Part Symmetry’, we fixed a bug in the calculation of ‘Inverted’ mode. |
15700 | Bug | Post-Processor | In MTE, a change of plane was not taken into account by post-processor : fixed. |
15697 | Bug | Stock | We fixed a bug in the stock calculation with a drill defined with a clearance diameter. |
15694 | Bug | Turning | A profile defined inV6.08 was not properly recalculated in new version : fixed in 6.10.204. |
15691 | Enhancement | User Interface | Comment 1 and comment 2 of the tools pages are now accessible in the combo list of Filter of Tools, in the tools libraries. |
15690 | Bug | Wireframe | Fillet command : the use of the pipette to recover and apply a value from a corner to another crashed the software, it is now fixed. |
15689 | Bug | Solid | Tolerancing on holes with Control command sometimes failed ; it is fixed in 6.10.204. |
15682 | Bug | Solid Design | Slowness of calculation and crash was occuring while updating a part : fixed. |
15680 | Bug | Turning | Cycle Finishing Diameter/Face : we fixed a collision due to an incorrect rapid retract of tool. |
15677 | Bug | Turning Profile | A bug used to happen when creating a profile by clicking a solid face, due to a tangency with another face. It is now fixed. |
15673 | Bug | Turning Silhouette | Bug while calculating a solid silhouette, caused by a Parasolid update. We fixed the issue. |
15671 | Bug | Wire EDM | From V6.10, there is only one command grouping all the methods to create threading points ; we have updated the ‘Customize Toolbar’ to call only this new command. |
15667 | Bug | Solid Import | There was some issues on recognition of holes from 2 split cylindrical faces : fixed. |
15665 | Bug | Turning | We fixed an issue in applying an automatic opelist on wireframe geometry. |
15662 13792 12888 12580 | Enhancement | Profiles | New way to define profiles on solid, with the ability to deviate the profile. By default, the profiles are predetermined by giving priority to tangent elements ; we can deviate the profile by choosing the edges where to go. |
15661 | Bug | Hole/Feature | In the automatic Hole/Feature calculation, the icons to define management of collision were not accessible anymore : fixed. |
15652 | Bug | Simulation | Interpolation in developed plane : in dynamic simulation, while the tool was correctly positioned, the trace of the toolpath was wrong : fixed. |
15645 | Enhancement | User Interface | Tools>Options>General : In the configuration of mouse use, we added a predefined template for Inventor CAD system. |
15641 | Bug | Tools | We fixed a small bug in reading GTC files : for the turning tool with insert type ‘L’, the length of insert edge was not read, it is ok now. |
15640 | Bug | Management of collision | Spotting drill model was incorrect for the gouge checking ; consequently, a false collision was found and the cycle disabled. We fixed it. |
15634 | Bug | Turning | turnyuGO : the new option to retrcat safely the tool in case of undercut machining was not running properly : it is now working as expected. |
15631 | Bug | Solid Import | Fix in the calculation of silhouette from a solid. |
15630 | Bug | Stock | Wrong stock calculation due to a software tolerance smaller than Parasolid tolerance : we added a safety control to avoid this kind of situation. |
15625 | Bug | Wire EDM | There were some crashes while changing stock allowances in the pocketting operation : fixed. |
15619 | Bug | Milling | We fixed an issue on an open profile which was supposed to machine up to the stock. |
15615 | Enhancement | User Interface | Control command : while measuring a distance between elements, the result is now displayed close to the clicked point (not anymore close to the axis) |
15580 | Bug | Solid Import | After importing a solid CAD file with sewing option, using ‘Delete Holes’ lead to a crash of solid : fixed. |
15576 | Enhancement | Milling | A pocket defined with one only pass (Z Step = 0) was not able to manage remaining stock ; we improved the calculation to make it possible ! |
15539 | Bug | Wire EDM | The start/end points of profiles defined on solids were not taken into account while creating the threading points : it is correct now. |
15418 | Enhancement | millyuGO | We added a parameter to calculate the radii on contour according to the tool radius. This is a ratio : enter 0.1 for 10%, 0.5 for 50%. |
Internal | Enhancement | MPM | Optimization is improved : while choosing the 1st cycle (so the 1st tool), we do not give priority to the positioning but we choose the most favorable tool to start machining, for instance a Roughing with biggest tool diameter. |
Report # | Type | Category | Topic |
15632 | Bug | Cutting Conditions | The new ability to define specific cutting conditions to a tool while working with millyuGO was not working properly : it is ok from V6.10.203. |
15623 | Bug | MTE | We fixed a wrong motion in the C-axis rotation in MTE. |
15617 | Bug | Profiles | While defining a profile, arcs and circles were displayed in yellow color, instead of green and purple as usually : fixed. |
15614 | Bug | Milling | Optimization of facing toolpath to avoid unnecesarry lateral pass. |
15612 | Bug | Wireframe | Modifying wireframe geometry designed in V6.08 was not correct, it is fixed in V6.10.203 |
15611 | Bug | Turning | Parallel Roughing : the new option of chip-breaking was sometimes truncating the toolpath in a dangerous way ; it is fixed in V6.10.203. |
15608 | Bug | Stock | We fixed a bug in the stock calculation of a facing operation. |
15606 | Bug | Wire EDM | When defining geometry taper on profiles, the invert button was not working anymore : fixed. |
15605 Internal | Enhancement | CAD Import | We implemented the last version of Datakit 2023.1, that includes SolidWorks 2023, Inventor 2023 and 3D experience 2023. |
15602 | Bug | SDK | Issue while running a *.spi macro : fixed. |
15597 | Bug | MTE | Turnmill : B axis position was not set correctly ; we fixed it. |
15590 | Bug | Milling | Issue when calculating the snail option in the pocket operation : fixed. |
15589 | Bug | 3X Milling | Limitation profiles with too many elements were not editable ; we cancelled this restriction and allow the edition of any limitation profile. |
15582 | Bug | All | The error message ‘Optional module not implemented’ should not appear anymore, replaced by more accurate error message. |
15579 | Bug | MTE | Command ‘Gauges of Tools’ > Button ‘Print’ > a table of the used tools is open : the 2 buttons to Publish and Print this list disappeared temporarely until we set them back in V6.10.203 |
15577 | Bug | Stock | A pocket cycle was supposed to machine a face up to the stock, but it did not work ; fixed in V6.10.203. |
15573 15575 | Bug | Workplanes | When opening a V6.09 file, an oriented workplanes was not correctly recalculated : fixed in V6.10.203. |
15569 | Bug | Stock | We fixed an issue in the stock calculation in turning operations realized after milling operations |
15560 | Bug | MTE | A rapid toolpath was colliding with the machine in MTE : fixed. |
15556 | Bug | Milling | B axis for the cycle Deep Drilling was not generated in NC file: fixed. |
15538 | Bug | Milling | When clicking a face with Bottom Face and recovering several profiles, we can now delete the profiles individually, as in former versions. |
15531 / 15532 | Enhancement | Milling | Clearance options were added to the Square Shoulder Face Mill. From V6.10.203, those options are added to the image of the tool page. |
15515 | Enhancement | 3X Milling | Contour Morphing has a new option to machine the part in zig-zag toolpath |
15505 | Bug | User Interface | We fixed an issue in the management of layers, which were not correctly reset while switching from a part to another. |
15460 | Bug | Milling | Some toolpaths of Chamfering (deburring) were not continuous: fixed. |
15429 | Bug | Milling | Bug fixed while using the ‘Bottom Face’ mode for standard cycle. |
15343 | Enhancement | Wireframe | The command Convert in arcs/segments now treats the segments in addition to other geometric elements. It also includes a new option ‘Merge before convert’ to merge the elements together before applying the conversion instead of applying it individually. Furthermore, the command ‘Merge’ can now be applied on a closed set of elements. |
15032 | Bug | Stock | A bug in the stock calculation after a contouring is fixed. |
GO2cam France | Enhancement | Milling | Plunge contouring and plunge pocketting include a new parmaeter called Retract Height. Combined withThis parameter enables the tool to retract with a 3D motion, to avoid wearness of tool. |
Internal | Enhancement | 5X Expert | The Chamfering Mill cutters are now available for 5X Expert toolpaths calculation. |
Internal | Enhancement | Opelist | Opelists with names superior to 80 characters were not correctly displayed ; we modified this limit to 255 characters. |
Internal | Bug | User Interface | There was an issue while creating customized menus with shortcuts: the shortcuts were not displayed ! Fixed. |
Internal | Bug | Symbols | Issue fixed in the automatic positioning of vice. |
Internal | Bug | Turning | Some import of solid generated a bad calculation of silhouette, we fixed it. |
Internal | Bug | Wire EDM | Synchro points for 4 axis machining : it was impossible to cut a profile to define new synchro points, we fixed it. |
Internal | Bug | Turning | We fixed an issue of application of Automatic opelist. |
Report # | Type | Category | Topic |
15581 | Bug | Solid Design | We fixed a bug in the Stop Face command which was not able to select edges path |
15559 | Bug | 5X Expert | Faces used for collision were lost between 6.09 and 6.10 : fixed. |
15558 | Bug | MPM | A bug occuring while selecting the MTE/Control menu is fixed. |
15555 | Bug | PP | Turning on Rework spindle : a copy of cycle with C rotation was done. The NC code was not calculated the right C angle : fixed. |
15553 | Bug | Workshop Doc | The list of tools after mounting tools in MTE was not generated anymore : issue fixed in 6.10.202 |
15532 15531 | Enhancement | Tooling | Square Shoulder Face Mill has now the clearance options as for Flat end Mill |
15512 | Enhancement | Macros | Some ‘old’ macros developed by VARs needed the ‘V4 profiles’ command. The command was cancelled, you can use the macros with the standard profiles. If it does not work, we may need to do some adjustment, please contact us. |
15409 | Bug | Solid Design | Edit Colors accessible by popup on a solid was not running properly if we selected a stop face : fixed. |
14770 | Bug | Wire EDM | We fixed a wrong calculation of top bottom while creating 4 axis profiles on solid. |
14533 | Bug | Wire EDM | Using the Automatic Recognition of Solid Profiles, we fixed a bug in the calculation of height of machining. |
14373 | Bug | Milling | Finish contour : we fixed a mistake in the calcualtion of continuous toolpath. |
Internal | Enhancement | Swiss Machining | In the customize list of operations, we added XY and Z stock allowances, as we did before for Turning modules |
Internal | Enhancement | Material File |
Internal | Enhancement | Tools/Options | In the Tools/Options, page Entities, we added the display options also accessible in the status bar. It enables to save those settings into a *.ini file. |