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List of new features and Improvements of GO2cam V6.12.201, released on 3rd of March, 2025.

Icons used in the tables below


New Features




Web and Services


Web Portal

  • The Web Portal now includes a Tips&Tricks section

  • The page to download macros has been renewed and several scripts added.


Installation, System & Hardware


Microsoft-style Installation

  • A new Microsoft-style directory structure has been implemented.

The software installs to C:\Program Files\GO2cam_Intl\GO2camV612 by default, with the option to change this during setup. If an older V6.12 version exists, the installer suggests its directory for updating.

  • Also, there are few changes in the GO2cam directories:

    • user-specific files (e.g., custom setups, toolbars, options, themes) are now saved into the Windows User directory: C:\Users\'username'\AppData\Local\GO2cam\6.12.

    • these user files are not saved anymore in Tmp folder, that do not exist anymore in GO2cam! The temporary files, created to store information at each session, are now in a ‘volatile’ windows directory, automatically deleted at the end of the session.

Special Case: Software Configuration (Options) is still saved in folder ini.

One consequence to this new structure is to be able to work with GO2cam in multiple sessions in a safe way!


Cleanup Utility

The User directory can be cleaned with a new utility: DelUserConfig.exe.

This specific executable file that can be ran out of GO2cam, in case of trouble. It is available in GO2cam directory and with Windows Search.



One other consequence of the new structure of directories is the possibility to reassign addressing locations collectively.

A new button is available for Machining and Environment categories.



(3D Graphics)

The graphics engine is more performant.

Open GL 4.0 is more visually pleasing and performant and is also better managed by recent graphics card.

For customers with older configurations, openGL 2.0 is also better managed.


Application Programming Interface (API)


User Parameters for Opelists, PPs, and JavaScript

  1. Creation and Storage
    User parameters (integers, floats, strings) with default values can be created and stored in the PCE. They can also be saved to an XML file for reuse in other projects.

  2. Opelist Integration
    Parameters can be retrieved, assigned to Opelist variables, and used for testing or cycle configuration.


Graphic User Interface


Search function

New Search command in the dialogue area

You can type in the search bar and a dropdown menu will automatically suggest a list of functions that match the text. This search is based on the list of functions available in the product, and specifically in the language of the GO2cam product. Therefore, the search is in Italian if the software is launched in Italian.

Search Function.png


The GObot Virtual Assistant tool is now directly accessible in the GO2cam Software from the Status bar, with the ability to ask question about the use of the software itself, and specific coding with JavaScript API.


Section View of Workpiece

In turning, by navigating to Tools > Options > Turning, users can change the default section view to any desired fraction.

This section view is applied both in working window and in simulation window.

Note that the section view will be applied to both the stock and workpiece.

Section View of Workpiece.png

Style windows

We can now choose from 2 windows Style in Software Configuration bringing in changes to icon sizes, font style and sizes, etc.

Style windows.png

Use of Mouse Templates

Mouse manipulations:

The default configuration (STANDARD) is now that of SolidWorks, to standardize with CAD/CAM software. The previous GO2cam configuration can be set by selecting the option 'GO2cam Legacy', accessible in the drop-down list of the Predefined Templates.

Mouse Configurations-20250210-064522.png

Turning Design Rule

For design in Turning, the choice of Diameter or Radius coordinates has been moved from the popup menu to the status bar. It is a switch button.

The current mode is the one visible in the status bar so that you have this information in the screen.

GUI - Diameter-Radius Status Bar.png

Print Preview

A new export type has been added in File>Export providing the capability to export a graphic is the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format for vectorial images.

This format is used to renew the Print Preview making it more accurate and also introducing more options as shown in the screenshot.



In Page Layout, the user can now directly chose the printer name and page Format. Almost all print setting can be done directly in GO2cam now.


Filter Dialog

The filter icon for workplanes is a little bit different and more explicite than in previous versions.



We made minor adjustments to the About dialog.

These changes included increasing its width to accommodate all necessary information on a single screen, thereby removing the need for users to scroll vertically. Additionally, we relocated the buttons within the dialog for improved accessibility and usability.


Geometry Generalities


Turning: Part Design menu

The module for the creation of milling shapes on a turning part has been renewed for some commands:

  • There is now a preview of the resulting operation.

  • The dialog has been reorganized.

  • New icons are clearer.

See the video on the right demonstrating the improvements.

Help link Video Img Turning- Part Design-20250219-070057.png

Move & Duplicate

Rotation mode now includes an option to define the rotation angle between 2 points and the X-axis.

rotation 2 points.png
Rotation by 2 points-20250210-063820.png

Edit Element

Geometric entities with names are displayed with their names in the title during editing.


Mesh Design



A new Mesh menu has been added under the Design tab, offering functionality equivalent to Solid design, including creation, Boolean operations, hole recognition, and stop faces.

Other new features regarding mesh elements:

  • Plane creation on a mesh: based on propagation rather than individual triangle selection.

  • Mesh import: follows the same process as Solid import.

  • Mesh as stock: a mesh can be designated as the stock.

  • Tolerance settings: mesh and mesh stock tolerances are configurable in Tools > Options > Entities.

All 3X, 4X, and 5X machining operations are supported on meshes, excluding surface-specific cycles like Isoparametric machining.


Mesh Triangles Display

For mesh parts, users have the option to activate or deactivate the display of the mesh triangles.

The option is available in the dialog box of the display options in the status bar. Check or uncheck the box for Mesh triangles to activate or deactivate its display.



CAD interfaces can now read Mesh components included in the model. This was already possible for AutoCAD, Parasolid and STEP. It is now also possible with JT and Solidworks.


CAD Interfaces




Designing 3D from 2D drafts

Creating 3D designs from 2D drafts has been improved. You now have the Axis System modes and a preview, making the process more intuitive.

Design 3D from 2D draft-20250110-110431.png

List of CAD Interfaces

Some CAD interface formats have been updated in GO2cam V6.12:

  • Solidworks 2025

  • Inventor 2025

  • Creo 11

  • NX 2406

  • JT 10.9




Creation of planes

We've refined workplane creation with a new intuitive approach. A single click on the Creation of planes function or drag-and-drop of the Interactive Axis System allows you to creates the most commonly used planes. A transparent preview square with an axis system visualizes the plane's orientation and position. For quick alignment, simply position the Interactive Axis System on the desired face of the blue cube displayed in the corner.

See a video on the right demonstrating this feature.


Developed Plane

A new dialogue box has been introduced for creation of a developed planes.




Creation of Symbols/machine

The creation process for tools, symbols, machine, etc. has become more fluid with the interactive system of axes.

  • The arrow - inverts the selected axis orientation

  • The letter - allows the repositioning of the selected axis to a different direction

  • The origin - allows to relocate the system of axes to another origin.

Help  - Symbols Creation with Interactive axes-20250218-061726.png



Tool Package

New ability to export and import tool packs.

Tool packs are *.GTZ file: compressed archive containing all the necessary files for any tool such as holder and form symbols.

To share your tools with others, simply export them to a GTZ file with a right-click on the chosen tool. User tools or tools from GO2tools can be exported.

Recipients can then easily import the files into their own libraries with a simple drag-and-drop or by using the dedicated import function.

Watch the video below ( Tooling - Copy a Tool/Tool Catalogue) as from 00:59 for an example about the GTZ files.


Duplicate a Tool

For tool catalogs or manufacturer tool files (GO2tool), you can now use the copy function to transfer a complete tool or all tools, including the cutter, holder, and symbol, into directories like tool, sym, and forme. This allows you to modify the tools locally.

Duplicate a tool-20250217-101844.png

Tool Creation from Solid Import

In the environment dedicated to symbols creation: a new function, Swiss machining tool is accessible under Creation menu.

The whole process for the creation of Swiss machining form tools is now a wizard with the creation steps following one after the other making it more seamless.

To launch the wizard, simply click on the GO button.

Swiss Bar white.png

Help  - Tooling - Swiss machine form tool-20250219-111833.png



Clearance Option Added: now available for three more tools:

  • Taper milling cutter

  • Lens mill cutter

  • Oval mill cutter



A new Flat lens mill cutter has been introduced, currently available for 5-Axis Expert machining operations.


Flat end mill

The icon of the Flat End Mill has been renewed and so is the graphic representation in the tool page.


Machining Generalities


Stock Management

New Rapid Stock mode for the Stock Computation

  • For computation, the notion of hybrid stock can be applied especially for 3X -5X cycles. The type of stock can be set (Solid or Mesh for each cycle). It is called Rapid Stock in the Machining Tree.

  • The computation time for mesh is very acceptable for complex cycles.

  • It is now possible to use a mesh as the original stock. All computations are then automatically performed in mesh mode without the need to modify any options. The type of stock used for computing is viewable in a tree balloon.

  • The type of stock used for computing is also given in the List of Machining: users can modify the choice here by operation and also by clicking the column head to change the computing option to the whole list of operations.

Stock management - Rapid Stock.png
Stock Computation.png

Stock Catalogue

Users can now define and save a catalogue of predefined stocks to be used for different parts. These catalogues are separate from each product such as for Machining center, Lathe, Swiss machining, etc.

All the parameters defined in the stock definition window, including those of the safety area are saved in the stock defined.

Help  - Stock Catalogue-20250218-062859.png

Stock Conservation

When defining a stock shape from an existing solid or mesh, the user has the possibility to keep the solid entity instead of converting it completely to the stock by checking the box ‘Keep entity’.

This allows quick modification of the stock shape by simply modifying the solid entity and doing an update.

Help  - Stock Conservation of solid-20250218-065207.png


In the Machining Tree, new information is now available in the tooltip, displaying the volume and weight of machined stock.


Machine Pack

Introducing the ability to export and import machine/post-processor packages as a single GSZ file. The package includes:

  • Machine (MCT/MCF) and kinematic (MCG/MCB) files,

  • Machine components (WAG, symbols),

  • Post-processor files (DPP, UI, LIB, etc.).

During import, files are automatically placed in the correct GO2cam directories (pp, ppstd, mac, kinemac, sym), simplifying installation and setup.


Machine Origin

In GO2cam, a unique origin can be assigned to an operation 'A' within the origin tables. If a new operation 'B' is created in the same geometric workplane as operation 'A', GO2cam automatically assigns and applies the same origin name. Previously, this was done automatically using 'Machining Planes,' which were removed in version v6.12.


Machining Features


Milling Features

New Possibility to Close (Locally or Totally) an Open Pocket Feature

The "open area on profile" function, is now also taken into account for features.

This can help mitigate risks of tool collision.

Help  - Milling Features - Manual Close Profiles-20250218-101159.png




Introducing a New Opelist Feature that generate categorized Opelist lists with the Analyze function.

  • Sort by Directory, Machine, Material Grade, and more.

  • Hover over operations or images for quick details.

  • Export lists to Excel or double-click to edit Opelist.



Similar to GO2dental, you can create a favorites list for your Opelists. To create a favorite, simply click on the star, which will turn blue and a new Favorites tab will then be created in the menu, displaying a list of your Opelists.


User Parameters for Opelists, PPs, and JavaScript

  1. Creation and Storage
    User parameters (integers, floats, strings) with default values can be created and stored in the PCE. They can also be saved to an XML file for reuse in other projects.

Path: Help > File Info > User Keys

  1. Opelist Integration
    Parameters can be retrieved, assigned to Opelist variables, and used for testing or cycle configuration.




Jump to Cycle

Introducing a new feature that allows you to instantly run the simulation of a specific cycle without needing to calculate preceding operations. This functionality is accessible for every Milling and Turning operation within the Machining Tree, under the Simulation > Jump to Cycle option.

Jump to Cycle.png

Compare this Cycle

We've introduced the ability to compare a specific cycle at a precise moment. Previously, comparisons included the entire machining list, and to focus on specific operations, you needed to set them to 'Waiting' status. This functionality is accessible for every Milling operation within the Machining Tree, under the Simulation > Compare this Cycle option.

Compare this Cycle.png

Machine Tool Environment (MTE)


Evolution Points

Tool change points are now visible and display tips in MTE simulation.

MTE Improvements-20250210-064209.png


Breakpoints can now be enabled or disabled directly from the popup window. An active breakpoint (in red) will pause execution, while a disabled breakpoint (in green) will allow it to continue. This action can be performed from the Gantt chart or the NC program.


Machine Magazine

To adjust the number of tools in a magazine, simply modify the designated field on the machine numbering page. If this field is left empty (or set to zero), the system will automatically use the number of tools defined in the original MCG file.


2 Axis Milling & Shape



Previously, circles were machined in the direction of the active machining plane (e.g., vertically in the example). Now, the circle’s normal direction is respected automatically, eliminating the need to create additional planes.


3 Axis Milling


Reworking Cycles

  • Vertical and Horizontal cycles have been merged and renamed to Slope cycles (Slope //Plane, Slope Equidistant, Slope Z Level) due to new angle parameters.

  • The reworking toolpaths are now processed according to ranges of angles. For example, reworking areas with small angle but avoiding flat faces is possible!

  • Calculations of angles are simplified and new explicit icons are available.

Help  - 3X Milling - Reworking-20250225-091203.png

Reworking Cycles

New Inversion of path parameter has been added for Auto Equidistant and Slope Equidistant cycles allowing to invert the machining path direction.


5 Axis Expert



Update to Version 2024.08



New Cycle for Machining on MESH elements.




End Facing

The new End Facing operation introduces a range of advanced capabilities for machining part surfaces, including:

  • The ability to select any curved geometry for facing.

  • Integration of a front lead-in for smoother tool engagement.

  • Precise finishing passes to ensure high accuracy and surface quality.

End Facing-20250218-045609.png

Chip Breaking

The Strategy page now includes a new dialog for Chip breaking, grouping all parameters for better comprehension

Cycles: Roughing, //Roughing, Balanced Roughing , TurnyuGO.


Direct Groove

A new "Continuous Optimized" option in alternate machining allows immediate machining of remaining material after grooving.

direct Groove Continuous Optimized-20250218-045958.png

Roughing / Finishing

A new option ensures that cavities are not machined.

Cavities are different than ‘Pockets’: cavities are perpendicular to the toolpath direction, while pockets are parallel to toolpath direction.

Machining Cavities-20250218-045828.png


New parameter for Roughing cycle has been added in Options: Smoothing Height.

This allows to set a maximum value enabling the removal of small parasitic ripples on a profile. Especially useful when profiles are curved.

Turning - Smoothing Height.png

Wire-Cut EDM


Threading Point

In the Dialog of Filters, we added a new type of entity ‘Threading point’.

It enables to distinguish threading points from geometric points.



Multiple-Parts Machining


List by Settings

We added a new option in the List by Settings that enables to choose among several possible combinations of angular positions.



User Workshop Document


User workshop Documents

New possibility to modify the background color of your page.

It can be set in the Theme page of Tools > Options menu.


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