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Threading - Turning

This threading operation generates a cylindrical or a conical threading while the profile threading can can follow an evolutive profile.

Key Points

  • You can define threading on a complete element or define a blind threading.

  • several types of infeed are given: flank, incremental, radial, opposite flank.

  • the machining depth and number of passes is calculated automatically by respect of ISO standard according to the pitch and number of threads.

  • When the threading is defined on slopes, you can define:

    • a direct return (Normal option)

    • a safe return (Horizontal option).

Strategy Parameters

Dialog Area



Infeed type

Return type

Back turning

Pitch and Passes

One page gives the explanation for those parameters: click here

Calculate pass, Machining Depth, Pitch

1st pass depth, Nb of threads, Last pass depth

Stop before extra passes, Nb of passes, Nb extra passes

Machining Strategy

Lead out distance

XY Stock allowance

End chamfering distance

Threads length (0=element selected)

Lead in distance

Movement Parameters

Dialog Area


Approach and Return Characteristics

Safety distance in Z

Safety distance in X

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Spindle speed

Cutting speed

Feedrate in Z

Speed range

Spindle direction


Maxi spindle speed

Coolant number

Specific coolant

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Length compens. nb

Radius compensation number

User information


Control Device

Machining Set

Options Parameters

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