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FAQ - Machining Generalities

(question) Question

How can I check the coordinates of machining during the simulation?

(tick) Solution

The coordinates are displayed in the button of same name, in the dialogue area of simulations.

Many interesting complementary information here: Simulation

(question) Question

How to invert the direction of profiles while selecting the geometry for machining?

(tick) Solution

Once a profile or multiple profiles are defined for machining, you can invert it by selecting the white cursor icon, called ‘Information’ in Milling and Wire EDM and ‘Activation of a profile’ in Turning.

Then click the profile itself or the profile label. This will invert the selected profile.

Or, if you want to invert multiple selected profiles in one go:

Then right-click in the background and select Invert All. This will invert all the selected profiles without having to click on each of them one by one.

For additional information about inversion of profiles, click here!(Milling) or here! (Turning)

Inversion of toolpath-20240822-104531.png

(question) Question

How to manipulate approach and return points to generate specific tool motion?

(tick) Solution

Access to the commands is within the geometry selection phase for every cycle be it turning or milling.

The approach point is in red and return point in yellow.

To add an approach or return point, simply click on the command.

Click on the required location on the program window to define each point hence generating the toolpath.

Double-click on any of the points to delete them or click on one point to displace it with the pointer and click again to validate its new position.

Approach and Return Points-20240906-122939.png

See the video demonstrating the usage of approach and return points

(question) Question

How can I select only circles with same diameters?

(tick) Solution

For multiple selection, you can click the circles you want or realize a selection by window.

But for same diameters, the process is different: first click the white cursor icon (called Information), then click one of the circles and all the circles with same diameter are automatically selected!

Select multi circles with same diameter-20240822-104609.png

(question) Question

How can I program a toolpath that intersect itself, without retracting the tool?

(tick) Solution

If you click element by element or follow standard creation of profile, it will not be possible!

The solution is to use the type ‘Continuous’ in the creation of profile.

Machining paths that intersect-20240822-104702.png

(question) Question

Is it possible to automatically reference strategy Tool and Stock allowance parameters for pocket rework?

(tick) Solution

The wizard can be used to automatically obtain these references.

After calculating the pocket cycle, select the strategy and the tool for the rework cycle (for instance pocket rework) before selecting the geometry.

In geometry selection, click on the wizard icon and then select the pocket cycle.

The reference diameter and stock allowances are automatically read by GO2cam in the reference cycle and applied in the rework cycle.


(question) Question

How to manually define a Cast stock?

(tick) Solution

If you want to use a stand-alone stock in GO2cam to machine a component, you can do this by creating a separate solid.

For example, you can use the 2D geometry functions to extract the edges from your solid, post-process the shape with the 2D functions, and then extrude the finalized shape into a solid model.

1. First of all, load your model to be edited into GO2cam and set the support face, the stock, and the origin as usual.

Initially, the dimension of the stock is not of importance.

2. You can use the edges extraction command to extract the outer edges of the model and then simplify them accordingly, e.g. create an offset contour for the desired measurement...

3. Using the Solid Extrusion command, you can now extrude the profile to generate a 3D solid.

NOTE: This process could have also been done by using the face offset command to offset the faces of the workpiece to generate a separate solid.

4. You can now define the newly generated solid as a stock as per below:

Switch to the "Milling" tab (1).

Double-click on "Stock" in the machining tree (2)

In the command line, select the command "Stock from a solid" (3) and select the solid(4)

You will be prompted to ‘Keep the solid history?’. It is recommended to select yes since this will allow to automatically update the solid if any modifications is done to the wireframe.

The existing cubic stock is automatically replaced with the 3D stock.

If you change the parameters of the automatic stock after this, the stock will revert back to default cubic.

You can see very clearly that GO2cam calculates the tool paths respecting the shape of the existing stock and thus avoids air machining.

(question) Question

What is Stock Compacting?

(tick) Solution

The objective is to calculate only the most recent stock result from the preceding operation in order to condense the stock. However, since the evolving stock is not updated, the single cycle update may be incorrect.

(question) Question

How can I define a cycle or part symmetry to mirror the toolpath of specific cycles or a whole component?

(tick) Solution

GO2cam offers various options for toolpaths or entire component symmetry. Below, we'll go over the different options and possibilities.

1/Cycle Symmetry

If you have already programmed a toolpath in GO2cam and then need to mirror the cycle on the same stock, then you can simply carry out a symmetry of the cycle. The NC output is generated as a subroutine in such a way that the PP is supported and mathematically possible.

Right-click on the cycle you want to create a symmetry and select Operation Copy.

On the SPG tab, select Symmetry.

And then you can define the axis by clicking on the Axis button and selecting the origin axis as reference or any other line or edge.

Or you can manually insert the XYZ coordinates and angle for the axis.

Finally, you need to click on the cycle under which the SPG call will be placed. In this case, its the same cycle for which toolpath symmetry is desired.

The toolpath symmetrical machining is carried out as shown in the image.

Multiple Cycles Symmetry

It is also possible to select several cycles at once and thus duplicate them.

The above procedure remains identical.

The SPG calls are inserted for each cycle respectively to avoid tool changes.

This type of toolpath symmetry causes a change in the machining direction!

2/Part Symmetry

If you also need the fully programmed component as a symmetrical version, GO2cam offers you the option of creating a symmetry of the entire component including toolpaths. You can then also decide whether the toolpath direction should be inverted or mirrored.

The Part symmetry command creates a separate file with the symmetrical solid and its toolpaths.

▶️ The video below shows you the steps to create a part symmetry of a machined solid:

part symmetry-20240822-104808.png

(question) Question

How can we change tools during an operation ?

(tick) Solution

In GO2cam you have the ability to change the tool during a machining cycle! The change can be manual or automatic (tool changer). This command is very useful when machining operations are very long : such as Vertical turning of big parts or 3 axis machining of a hard material, where the tool wear occurs rapidly and we need to replace it during the operation. Access it by:

  1. Right-clicking the cycle>Toolpath techno>Tool lifetime

  1. Right-clicking the strategy>Tool lifetime

▶️ You can watch a video on Tool Life Management:

Tool life management sister tools-20240822-104906.png

(minus) Issue

I just modified my vice, but it hasn't changed on my project, why?

(tick) Solution

After any modification, you must update the symbols like vice, toolholder or chuck.

For this, go back to the project and then to Edit>Database>Symbols update. This will take into account all the latest changes done to symbols.

Symbols update-20241016-074639.png
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