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Vice and Clamps



This command enables to select a clamping element and position it on the current workpiece. Clamping elements can be vices, clamps and any support component.

Your elements can be defined in the environment called Clamping / Toolholders. You can design them or import solids. More information about this creation process: Creation of Components.

1. Import a Vice

To import a vice and position it, follow those steps:

In the Machining tree, do a right-click on line Stock and select “Vice and Clamps”.

Select the vice from the list and validate.

You can select the element from several libraries:

  • User Library: directory where are saved the elements created by the user.

  • Recent: list of components that you used recently.

  • The other lists (here 5TH AXIS, Erowa, Jergens) can be downloaded from our cloud systems. Click the button ‘Download’ and choose the library you want to install in your computer.

Adjust the position according to the origin if needed and click on the “Green Tick” to validate.

You can further adjust the vice if you need to rotate or translate the vise to secure your workpiece.

You can either use X, Y, Z axis or insert the values in the corresponding field to translate the vice.

Click on the “Green Tick” to validate.

2. Case of a Vice with Multiple Tightening

Some vice have several possible positions of tightening the part. In that situation, a new field appears in the dialog area and enables to choose the position.

Here, Position 1 is selected. The part is too large and the jaws go out of their room.

We switch to Position 2 and we can see that it is much better.

Note that the position in Z is directly given by the system of axis defined during the vice creation.

Multi Vice1.png
Multi Vice2.png

▶️ This video shows how to create a vise with Multi-tightening and how to use it on a solid.

Vice with Multi -tightening.png

3. Special Case: Flip-Flap of a part

You will have to associate the vice to the part setting “Top Face” and “Back Face”.

To associate the vice to the Top face:

Right click on the “Top Face” and Edit

Click on the “Symbol associated to the setting” and select the vice.

Click twice on the “Green Tick” to confirm the selection and Validate.

Click on Update and Total.

Change the Plane from ‘Reference’ to ‘Back Face’

Repeat the steps to import a vice and aligned it with the back face of the workpiece.

To associate the vice to the Back face:

Right click on the “Back Face” and Edit

Click on the “Symbol associated to the setting” and select the vice.

Click twice on the “Green Tick” to confirm the selection and Validate.

Click on Update and Total.

▶️ You can watch a video on Vice Setting for Top Face and Back Face:

Vice setting.png

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