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FAQ - NC Output - Workshop Doc

(question) Question

How can I change the NC file editor to my own chosen Editor?

(tick) Solution

You can do it in the Software Configuration and in Tools>Options>Machining.

  1. In the page Customization, choose the .exe of your editor in the Editor Name field.

  2. Open your editor in GO2cam either by going on Tools from the Text Menus then Editor.

Your NC codes will then open on your chosen editor.

FAQ - NC Output NC File-20240812-120416.png

(question) Question

How can I generate one NC file per tool?

(tick) Solution

You can use the Set numbers.

Go into the list of operations, declare set numbers to operations according to their tool. All the operations must be selected.

Then in the Machine file, page Post Processor, select Choice in the option Multiple Files.

Using a "Set" function can be a helpful approach for organizing and managing complex NC programs. It allows for independent control of NC programs for different tools, operations, and Part Settings .

FAQ - NC Output Toolwise-20240812-120506.png

(question) Question

How to generate G17, G18 or G19 code in the NC file?

(tick) Solution

By default, the machining plane G17 is generated in the NC program.

To switch planes, you can:

  1. Go back to the geometry selection of the operation and choose the desired plane.

  1. Once you've chosen your machining plane, return to the NC file to generate the G-code.

FAQ - NC Output G17 18 19 planes-20240812-120622.png

(question) Question

Can we obtain the quotation of a workpiece in GO2cam?

(tick) Solution

The solution is quite simple in GO2cam. The process includes that of the Estimation of Costs and making use of the User Workshop Document command.

The process is as such:

  1. Program the part machining in GO2cam with a loaded machine and material.

  2. Define the cost parameters for the machine, material and tools. This can be done for each of the components or updated directly in the Estimation of Costs table. For detailed information about this, visit the help page by clicking on the link above.

  3. If you do not already have a quotation model(.DMOD) file, create one as per your requirement by including vocabularies to read the cost values defined in the software. To find detailed explanations for the creation of a model, click here.

  4. Generate the User Workshop Document by loading the model file and you will obtain the Quotation document.

See the video on the right for an example.

FAQ - UWD - Quotation of workpiece-20240812-120720.png

(question) Question

How to generate Canned Cycles? (access to PP generator only for Resellers)

(tick) Solution

Step 1: Access the PP Generator

Step 2: Create a Specific PP

Step 3: Edit “Cycles” in PP Parameters

Step 4: Set the desired Cycle as Canned

  • In the list of defined cycles within the PP, locate the cycle you want to make Canned.

  • Close and Save the PP Parameters

Canned Cycles.png

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