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Machining Tree - Operations


Definition: you can accede to many complementary functions regarding the operations.

To accede to these functions, right-click on any operation line of the Machining Tree :

Milling dialog

EDM dialog

Turning dialog


Zoom on Cycle Toolpath

Zoom to locate easily a cycle in a large part.


(Edit Machining)

You can change the reference, or the strategy file or the tool.

If you select several cycles in the tree, you can click Edit Machining and edit some common parameters to several cycles.

Edit Attributes

To change color, thickness etc. of the toolpath.

Cycle Re-execution

Calculation of the toolpath of the cycle only after a modification


In the Simulation submenu, you have the ability to initiate toolpath simulation from a specific cycle of your choice. This feature allows for greater flexibility and precision in analyzing your machining process. Within the submenu, you can access the following options:

  • Jump to Cycle: Quickly navigate to and start the simulation from a selected cycle.

  • Compare Cycle: Evaluate and compare Stock of different cycles.

  • Simulation Modes: Choose from various simulation types to suit your needs:

    • Dynamic Simulation: A detailed, real-time visualization of the toolpath.

    • Toolpath Simulation: Focuses on displaying the toolpath trajectory.

    • Faster 3D Simulation: A quicker, simplified 3D rendering for efficient previews for 3 Axis milling cycles.

Operation Copy

Enables you to copy the operation regarding a specific motion : translation, rotation, symmetry etc.

For operations in developed plane, the copy is not forbidden but the result will be wrong!

We advise you to project multiple geometry or to duplicate geometry in developed plane and then select toolpath on multiple profiles, to avoid toolpath copy.

Repeat of Operation (EDM only)

Repeat an operation n times changing the setting, the offset etc.

Automatic set on selection

This option gives automatically a set number to the selected cycle(s).


The set is available in the List of Operation (you can not change it thanks to the pop-up). It is an assignation number which enables to group cycles together. The icon shown means that a set is given to the cycle ; if there is not set, the line is dimmed.


You can make the toolpath visible or not. You can also press the third button of the mouse (wheel) to hide one cycle.

Hide the vectors

For 4 and 5 axis simultaneous cycles: the vectors of tool direction can be hidden by checking this option.


2 cases:

1- you can check the box to put the cycle in a stand by, and un-check it the moment you want to calculate it (the night for example). You can also use the option 'Postponed execution' in the menu Tools\Options\Machining

2- GO2cam could not calculate the toolpath correctly and automatically put the cycle in wait. The cycle is not deleted to enable you to modify what is wrong.

The icon of the cycle is covered with the warning signal

Solid Stock Calculation

Un-check it to save time of calculation. Only the current operation is not calculated on the stock. You can also un-check the function for all the cycles in the stock line.

Test collision with part

For dynamic simulation: by checking the box off, you can set off the gouge checking in the simulation.

Toolpath Techno

See a specific table above


Creation and modification of the operation list and cutting strategy... please read the corresponding chapter


  • Create folder: ability to group several cycles in one folder. You can give the name that you want to the folder (top face, 45° face, etc.). The purpose is to sort the cycles and also decrease the length of the machining tree when there are many operations.

You can also hide one folder content, set in waiting status etc.

  • Create folder by tool (New in v6): the folder(s) created automatically gathers all the cycles done with the same tool.

Note: the folders can be output in the NC program file and in the customization of list of operations.

Cut / Copy / Paste

To move and copy operations.


Give a new name to the cycle


Deletion of the cycle


Miscellaneous information about the cycle including machining time.

Toolpath Techno

Toolpath Techno opens another pop-up menu ; these techno functions are directly linked to a cycle :






Enables to apply a techno function like a stop or a coolant on the cycle.


To check or modify a techno function already defined on the cycle.


Deletion of a techno function defined on the cycle.


Creation of wireframe geometry based on the toolpath of the cycle. Just click the toolpath element or do a right click to select all.

You can watch a video: (double-click in the video to enlarge it!)

How to convert machining toolpaths into geometry lines.png

Optimum Setting

Automatic optimization of the cutting length and the useful length of the tool according to the solid part size.

This function was previously available only for shape cycles. It is now working on any machining cycle.

Tool Lifetime

Also called 'Sister tools, ability to change the tool during a machining cycle!

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