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Origins on Stock

Probing on the stock to define the part origin. When the cycle is run, the probe comes to touch the face to identify the center. The toolpath can be visualized in the simulation.

It is also possible to click wireframe geometry for the definition of the probing.

Types of Probing

Rectangular Block

2D Corner 2x1

Rectangular Pocket

2D Corner 1x2


2D Corner 1x1

Cylindric Pocket

Rectangular Block X

Z of a Face

Rectangular Block Y

2D Corner 2x2

Strategy Parameters

Dialog Area



Name of origin

(AD) Approach distance

Number of touches

(TD) Touch distance

Research length

Mini measure Tolerance

Maxi measure Tolerance

Movement Parameters

Dialog Area


Safety (in Z)

Rapid plane alt.

Safety distance

Approach and return in Z

Retract between touches

Move between touches

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Length compensation number

Diameter compens. Nb

Users Fields


Control Device

Milling Set

Options Parameters

Dialog Area


Behaviour on the clamps and components

Gouge Check

Offset XY

Safety area

Offset Z

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