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Techno Functions


Definition: adding of a CNC function between two machining operations.

In some cases, the post-processor has to be customized to generate the techno cycles in the ISO program. Furthermore, the machines are not systematically able to treat some specific functions, please contact us for more information.

These additional functions are different for milling, turning and EDM :

List of the Milling Functions

List of the Turning Functions

List of the EDM Functions

To create a techno function

1/ Right-click on the line Machining in the machining tree.

2/ Click on Techno Functions.
Fill the parameters in the dialog bar ; name of the operation, type of function, time (used for time calculation).

3/ Some techno functions can be completed with a NC Block Macro

4/ In the machining tree, click on the cycle preceding the techno function you include, in this case the Roughing. The techno function reacts as a cycle and is accessible in the machining tree.

The function is represented by an icon at its location.

List of Functions

1/ Milling Functions



Stop : Activation of a stop (Subjected to the interpretation of the post-processor)

Coolant : Activation of a coolant different from the one which can be defined in the technology

Palletization : Activation of the change of pallet (subjected to the interpretation of the Control Device)

Absolute NO : Activation of the relative mode on the toolpaths

Absolute YES : Deactivation of the relative mode

Optional YES : Activation of the optional blocks (subjected to the interpretation of the Control Device)

Optional NO : Deactivation of the optional blocks

Dwell : Activation of a numbered dwell

Comment : Adding a user comment

NC block : Adding of one N block

PP Word : Call of a specific treatment

2/ Turning Functions



Feeder : Call of the bar feed

Part collector : Call of the collector at the end of the part machining

Toolholder orient. : Indexing the B axis

Bring Tailstock C. : Z position of tailstoch center + support

Tighten Tailstock C. : Exit of the tailstock center for tightening

Loosen Tailstock C. : Retraction of tailstock center (loosening)

Remove Tailstock C. : Return stroke of tailstoch center + support

Bring Steady Rest : Z position of steady rest + support

Tighten Steady Rest : Tightening the steady rest

Loosen Steady Rest : Loosening the steady rest

Remove Steady Rest : Return stroke of steady rest + support

Stop : Activation of a stop (Subjected to the interpretation of the post-processor)

Coolant : Activation of a coolant different from the one which can be defined in the technology

Absolute NO : Activation of the relative mode on the toolpaths

Absolute YES : Deactivation of the relative mode

Optional YES : Activation of the optional blocks (subjected to the interpretation of the Control Device)

Optional NO : Deactivation of the optional blocks

Dwell : Activation of a numbered dwell

Comment : Adding a user comment

NC block : Adding of one N block

PP Word : Call of a specific treatment

3/ Wire EDM Functions



Stop : Activation of a stop (Subjected to the interpretation of the post-processor)

Coolant : Activation of a coolant different from the one which can be defined in the technology

Wire threading

Wire cutting


Generator On

Generator Off

Optional YES : Activation of the optional blocks (subjected to the interpretation of the Control Device)

Optional NO : Deactivation of the optional blocks

Dwell : Activation of a numbered dwell

Techno Table : change of cutting conditions between 2 operations

Comment : Adding a user comment

NC block : Adding of one N block

PP Word : Call of a specific treatment

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