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Part Setting



This command enables the change of the setting face by a manual action. For example you can define how to program the flip-flap of a part.

Flip-flap of a part

On your machine, after machining one side of a part, you usually manually unlock the part and lock it the other side for machining. You can easily program this action in GO2cam and then generate 2 different NC files, but in one only PCE file!

The process is the following:

  1. Create the opposite workplane of the REFERENCE plane.

  2. On this workplane, you can program the operations of the other side.

  3. Define Part Settings: this command enable to change the coordinates system for the calculation of some operations. Do a right-click on the line Stock, then choose Part Setting.

You must define 2 part settings: one for the REFERENCE plane, located at the beginning of list of operations, one for the other side by choosing the workplane created.

  1. Finally, define 2 different Set numbers, one for each setting. You can generate 2 NC files, 1 for each face machined.

▶️ You can watch a video about Part Setting:

Part Setting.png
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