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List of Commands

Most of the time, a new created plane is designed relatively to the current workplane defined in the control bar. We advise you to check that this one is correct before designing your workplane. When you design a workplane, it automatically becomes the current workplane and it is displayed in the active window. A non-modifiable order number is automatically assigned.

The interactive axis system, in the bottom right corner of the screen, helps to easily create planes by clicking and dragging its origin to a point or a face required.

The planes are available through 2 submenus:

  1. Workplanes Creation

  2. Developed Plane

Commands for Workplanes Creation




3 Pts X or Face Plane

Creation of a plane by 3 points which define in the order of selection: the origin, the X direction, the Y direction. On a solid, you can click a face directly.

By clicking a cylinder, you create the plane corresponding to the Z direction of the shape.

2 Pts X Plane or Section

Creation by 2 pts which define in the order of selection: the origin, the X direction. It is perpendicular to the current plane.

1 Angle Plane

Creation of a plane by rotation around the X, Y or Z axis relative to a reference plane (the current plane).

Origin Plane

Creation of a plane parallel to the current plane with another origin.

3 Pts or Face Plane

Creation of a plane clicking on 3 points, then you can permute the axis and finally you choose the plane origin.

Front Plane

Automatic creation of the Front plane, relative to the current plane. The origin is the same as the current plane.

Side Plane

Automatic creation of the Side plane, relative to the current plane. The origin is the same as the current plane.


Manual Plane

Creation of a plane by the manual selection of position

Plane of Frenet

Creation of a plane perpendicular to an element extremity with the z axis tangent to the element.

3 Angles Plane

Creation of a plane by combination of angles: CAC (ZXZ), CBA (ZYX), CBC (ZYZ) or CAB (ZXY).

Profile Cutting Plane

Creation of a plane especially dedicated to the machining cycle called Profile cutting.

▶️ You can watch a video, taken from a real case of support, where we create workplanes using Front Plane and 1 Angle Plane:

4 Axis Import and Positioning-20240814-112037.png

Developed Plane Menu




Developed Plane

Creation of a plane developed around an axis.

Projection in developed plane

Projection of the geometry in a developed plane.

Other Specific Commands





Change Plane

Edit/Change Plane

This command helps to change the workplane of wireframe or solid elements.

Part Positioning

Design/Wireframe/Import Cleaning

Design/Solid/Import repairing

Positioning the part in the reference plane; click on 3 points on the part: new origin, X direction, Y direction.

Designing 3D from 2D

Wireframe/Import Cleaning

Position in 3D space of the views and the details of a 2D draft.

Axial Plane

In Turning Environment

Design/Part Design/Axial Plane

Creation of an axial plane.

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