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Pocket - Shape

Apply automatically a pocket cycle. This cycle does not manage remaining material.

Key Points

  • This cycle is very similar to the cycle Roughing/Reworking.

  • We will use it in the following cases :

    • We don’t need to consider the remaining material

    • There are important constraints on the machining areas.

  • In the case shown on the right, we use a limitation profile to constraint the toolpath calculation to the pocket only.

Strategy Parameters

Dialog Area


Toolpath Strategy

Machining Direction

Machining Method


Limitation of Machining

Limitation Area

Stepover Calculation

Stepover (Tool ratio)

Stepover value (Ae)

XY Scallop

Respect of scallop

Z Step

Z Step (Ap)


XY Stock allowance

Z Stock allowance

List of altitudes

List of altitudes

Movement Parameters

Dialog Area


Safety (in Z)

Rapid plane altitude

Safety distance

Approach and return in Z

Approach altitude

Retract altitude

Return altitude

Z Plunge


Mini helix rad.

Mini ramping rad.

Mini rad mach area

Plunge angle

Management of rapids

Motions: Rapid, G1 Fmax, G0/G1 Fmax

Fmax safety distance

Rapid/Fmax %

Safety (in XY)

XY safety distance

SD/ Tool shank

Management of toolholder

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Cutting Speed


Spindle direction


Spindle speed


Plunge feed

Sp. speed range

Coolant number

Specific coolant

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Length compensation number

Diameter compens. Nb

Users Fields


Control Device

Milling Set

Options Parameters

Dialog Area


Behaviour on the clamps and components

Gouge Check

Offset XY

Safety area

Offset Z

Toolpath Optimization

Rework Area Tolerance

Treat maxi stepover

Feedrate reduction coef

Maxi stepover coef

Type of HSM radius

Radius of HSM loop

Curves Computing

Curve tolerance

Curve segmentation

Toolpath Computing

Decomposition of arcs of toolpath

Arcs decomposition tolerance

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