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Z Level - Grooving

Machining of grooves by defining a machining depth and Z steps.

Key Points

  • In Z level Grooving Strategy, you can select the side of machining to apply.

  • Define a machining depth for the tool to remove a certain amount of material.

  • The retract distance enables to retract laterally the tool before its rapid return (at each plunge). It avoids wearing away the cutting face of the tool.

Strategy Parameters

Dialog Area




Multiple grooves

Piloted points


Z level Grooving

2 sides machining

Profile machining

Retract distance


Order of passes

Lead out distance

Total retract depth

Evacuate the inside chips

Machining Strategy

Z step

Machining Depth


Dwell depth

Final dwell

Dwell unit

Local stock allowance

XY Stock allowance

Z Stock allowance

Movement Parameters

Dialog Area


Approach and Return Characteristics

Safety distance in Z

Safety distance in X

Lead in linear overlength

Lead out linear overlength

Finish overlength

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Cutting Speed

Spindle speed

Speed range

Feedrate in Z


Feedrate in X

Spindle direction

Pass feedrate

Maxi spindle speed

Coolant number

Specific coolant

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Radius compensation number

Length compens. nb 1

Length compens. nb 2

Users Fields


Control Device

Machining Set

Options Parameters

Dialog Area


Management of collisions

Gouge check on stock

Offset XY

Safety Area

Offset Z

Safety distance in Z for rapids

Safety distance in X for rapids

Curves Computing

Curve Tolerance

Curve explode into

Stock to keep


Back angle clearance

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