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Balanced Roughing

Roughing operation programmed with 2 tools mounted on 2 turrets (or spindle) and synchronized by different possible modes. The toolpaths can be outside, inside or facing.

This machining cycle is available only with the optional module MTE.

Key Points

For turning machines with dual turrets, mill-turn machines as well as Swiss machines, balanced operations unlocks new possibilities by allowing users to program simultaneous turning operations using tools on the opposite sides.

  • several strategies of synchronization are possible: Follow mode, Pinch mode or Alternate, with definition of length or time delay.

  • by default, the same tool is used for both sides, but you can also use 2 different tools!

  • all the parameters from standard roughing operation are also available.

The standard simulations (Dynamic and Toolpath) will not show the reality of the cutting, the synchronizations and a possible different second tool. You should always simulate balanced operations with MTE control simulation.

▶️ You can watch a video demonstrating the use of this cycle:

Balanced Roughing - 2 different tools in a synchronised cycle.png

Strategy Parameters

Dialog Area



Cycle type

Imaginary nose Number

Offset type


Corner rounding

R max Coef


Synchronization Type


Delay length

Delay dwell

Machining Strategy

Retraction Type



Pass Depth


Last Pass Depth

Undercut min width

Angle of passes

Local stock allowance

XY Stock allowance


Z Stock allowance

Machining cavities

Chip breaking

Length of cut



Retract distance

Dwell unit

Movement Parameters

Dialog Area


Approach and Return Characteristics

Safety distance in Z

Safety distance in X

Lead out overlength

Lead out linear overlength

Over cutting

Undercut safety distance

Return point

Lead in overlength

Return angle

Lead in linear overlength

Return distance


Linitate on Z axis

Exceed the the axis

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Cutting Speed

Spindle speed

Speed range

Feedrate in Z


Feedrate in X

Spindle direction

Pass feedrate

Maxi spindle speed

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Radius compensation number

Length compens. nb

Coolant number

Opposed Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Radius compensation number

Length compens. nb

Coolant number

Users Fields


Control Device

Machining Set

Options Parameters

Dialog Area


Management of collisions

Gouge Check on stock

Offset XY

Safety area

Offset Z

Safety distance in Z for rapids

Safety distance in X for rapids

Curves Computing

Curve Tolerance

Curve explode into


Front angle clearance

Back angle clearance

Compensation achievement factor

Coeff of feedrate reduction

Smoothing Height

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