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Turning Part Design Generalities


The menu Part Design enables you to program milling operations on a lathe center with C, B and Y axes. We also call it Rotating Tools. The functions of the menu are a preparatory step to the machining.


The functions of the rotating tools can be used only on a solid.

You are suggested to use the Revolution function to create a solid from shaft geometry.

The Part Design functions have several purposes:

  • they create the solid shape needed for a good visualization of the part.

  • they automatically create the correct plane where the machining will be applied later.

  • they automatically create the 2D profile necessary for the machining.

List of the functions

1. Functions dedicated to Y axis (or C) operations:

Predefined Shapes (Y or C axis machining)

Radial Hole


2. Functions dedicated to B axis operations:

3. Regarding axial operations (C axis), the principle is different:

  • Axial plane allows you to first create the machining plane

  • You can create the geometry to machine with Axial hole

The Creation tree on the left enables to have a global visualization of the several operations done and to edit and modify geometries.

Finally, you can find some functions to create 2D geometry if needed:

Edges Extraction


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