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Pocket Rework

This cycle is a pocket-type operation used to rework material left after pocket roughing.

Classic process for pocket machining: Pocket (or Pocket+Contour) + Pocket Rework + maybe Finish Contour.

Finish Reworking is similar to the Pocket Rework, with the difference of being a contouring operation with compensation.

Key points

It is necessary to fill the parameters ‘Reference Diameter’ and ‘Stock left in roughing’ in the strategy page. Main Key Points:

  • ability to machine multiple pockets and subpockets by pockets, by areas or by Z levels.

  • ability to force the passes according to the Increment or to adjust the passes to the islands and subpockets altitudes.

  • HSM options, trochoïdal mode and alpha/omega radius programming.

Strategy Parameters

Movement Parameters

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Cutting Speed


Spindle direction


Spindle speed


Plunge feedrate

Rapid feedrate

Sp. speed range

Coolant number

Specific coolant

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Length compensation number

Diameter compens. Nb

Users Fields


Control Device

Milling Set

Options Parameters

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