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Facing Pocket

Sweeping toolpath applied on faces and pockets. The profile must be closed profile, it can also be the stock directly.

Key Points

  • GO2cam automatically determines which is the best sweeping angle according to the selected face of solid.

  • with Rotating Machining: the toolpath is optimized by giving a rotary toolpath which reduces the rapid retracts, with still the respect of machining direction.

  • Pockets avoidance: either the facing toolpath is calculated so that it avoids the pocket, or it goes through the pocket with Fmax value.

New behaviour of the option Z repeat, that enables to repeat exactly the same toolpath from a Z step to the next one and use subprograms.

To be available, the toolpath must be:

  • 2 ways direction

  • with adjusted pass.

Strategy Parameters

Movement Parameters

Technology Parameters

Dialog Area


Cutting Conditions


Cutting Speed


Spindle direction


Spindle speed


Plunge feedrate

Rapid feedrate

Sp. speed range

Coolant number

Specific coolant

Tool Numbering

Tool number

Specific Number

Length compensation number

Diameter compens. Nb

Users Fields


Control Device

Milling Set

Options Parameters

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