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What's New in GO2cam V6.11?


List of new features and Improvements of GO2cam V6.11.201, released on 1st of March, 2024.

Improvements added all along version’s life: Improvements of Revisions

Icons used in the tables below


New Features




Web and Services


Web Portal

The user can create an account and then will be able to accede to several services with only one portal:

  • download update patch,

  • licence information,

  • download of GO2tools

  • go2transfer.

This portal also provides interesting information and news about GO2cam.

Location: Help>Web Portal

It has been introduced in GO2cam V6.10.206, in july 2023.



go2transfer is a service of Data Files Transfer for GO2cam End-Users.

Location: File>go2transfer secured

It has been introduced in GO2cam V6.10.206, in july 2023.


Installation, System & Hardware



Executable files from GO2cam (*.exe files) now have a valid digital signature.

This signature ensures the authenticity and integrity of the executable file. It prevents firewalls from blocking their installation.


Import from Another Version.

Ability to recover users data from previous version, such as files of configurations, tools, tec files, symbols etc.

Location: Tools>Import from another version



Now in GO2cam , user will be inform of new update by a message:

  • In the homepage Banner and,

  • In the top right corner of the main Screen.




Management of DPI (Dots Per Inch)

In Windows display settings, you can modify the size of Text, applis, etc. to 125, 150 % etc. This modification is now perfectly managed in all GO2cam dialogues.

Open parts

Compatibility : Opening a .PCE file lower than V5.8 (2008) is impossible.


Application Programming Interface (API)



The GO2cam API has been completely renewed, by changing the language programming from Pascal to Javascript. A new Help for API has also been written: GO2cam Javascript API



Many New Features are included in the API:

  • Creation and manipulation of tables,

  • Mathematical calculation,

  • Easy creation of dialog boxes,

  • More interaction with GO2cam entities, in terms of selection and manipulation,

  • Keeping the design history,

  • etc.




New Editor

You can write the script directly in GO2cam by running this new editor. You can also get a preview of your program and validate your result on the scene.

Location: menu Tools


Standard Macros

New standard macro: Part Family

This allows to define a list of parts having similar features but with slightly varying dimensions so as to reduce the time required to program the machining of each part. The video on the right gives an overview of the macro.

Another video is available in the API Help page demonstrating how to create a part family configuration.

Api_part family.png


Standard Macros

In GO2cam V6.10, the Standard Macros provided during many years have been removed from the software.

We have re-written most of those programs in the Javascript language; they are available again.


Graphic User Interface



  1. Revamped graphic Chart : Vibrant colors, logo and new icons.

  2. New entries to the modules based on the updated product packaging :Dive into Machine-specific Entries - Milling, Swiss machining, horizontal or vertical lathe, wire-cut EDM, Robot.

  3. New Banner showing four types of information: info, question, warning, critical.

4. Engaging Banner alerting you to the availability of the Latest Updates.



Graphic Chart

New GO2cam Logo for:

  • the shortcut of the software,

  • the .PCE files and other owner files

logos 611-2-20231214-154948.png

Machining Tree

Now the user can tweak transparency with precision using the dynamic slider at the bottom of the machine tree, no more ON/OFF option.


Working menu

The working menu tab can now accommodate more menus (>6):



Two new colors of entities have been added.

Edited element: the element that is being edited changes to the set color.

Elements after the edited elements: all the elements that come after the element being edited change to the set color.

Color for Edited elements for Whats New V611.PNG

Holes Recognition

The color of the vectors of holes is managed and can now be customized in Theme by the color for Alternative 1.

This allows the user to adjust the color for better viewing, based on their personalised theme.


Status bar

Color can now be added to back faces for surfaces to easily distinguish them.

Color Customization can be done in Tools>Options>Theme> in the entity Back of solid Faces.

back faces with different colors.png



New unit for duration created to differentiate with time unit:

  • Time is used for machining time calculation

  • Duration is the unit of dwell for example

Also enables to have same unit but different precision! Duration can be defined in seconds or milliseconds.

Duration Unit.png


New JavaScript Editor has been added under Tools menu. This API allows to write scripts and improve automation of your process.


Customize Toolbar

There are several improvements to the customize toolbars option:

  • The list is now generated automatically based on the menus and tabs.

  • All functions are now readily available within the Customize Toolbars option, ensuring easy access to every feature.

  • The list of available functions is contextual, dynamically organized categories based on the environment you are in. This simplifies navigation and customization.

  • Certain commands, such as dimensioning, are universally available across all environments, enhancing consistency and usability.

  • A search option has been implemented, allowing users to conveniently search for functions by their names, further improving accessibility and efficiency.

Customize toolbar.png


Help menu

  • Web portal has been moved to the top.

  • Website & Download libraries are directly accessible in portal.

  • PDF Help replaces User Manual - allowing offline users to have access to the contents of the Online Help.

Help Menu V611.png

Geometry Generalities


Change Plane

If we want to move a solid into a plane, and that the chosen plane was created on a face of the same solid, we forbid this action. The plane is not displayed in the list of possible destination planes.


Move & Duplicate

The Move axis system to axis system is a new command that help the user to move any geometry in any define axis set by the user.

Move axis system to axis sytem.png


Interface for the Text dialog window has been updated with new icons and with added new features such as:

  • the access to a Table of Characters,

  • the Import from a text file,

  • Justification, Framing, Overscore, Angle,

  • Dynamic Text box reflecting the changes in the configurations,

  • Rapid access to engraving and isostatic font.

Text Dialog Interface.png


Wireframe Geometry


Edit Wireframe Geometry

For wireframe geometry: when we edit an element, its color and the color of the elements built after it, can be customized in the Theme page of Tools>options. For more information, check the new feature for Theme.


Wireframe Design - Angle

Angle option has been added for the Polygon and Helix commands, allowing to define the starting angle of the element.

Helix Angle command.png

Wireframe Design - Point

A Midpoint mode of creation has been added in the Point command. This provides the ability to create points at the exact mid-distance of 2 points; that can be extremities, centers or points.

Midpoint Mode.png

Wire-Cut EDM Geometry


Threading Point

When you create Threading points, the information are not anymore displayed in the screen.

The information are now given into a balloon while passing the mouse over the threading point.

  • The description of information is better

  • The display does not interfere anymore with the other elements

Threading point.png



Developed plane

  • New Dialog window for Projection in developed plane.

  • Access to 4 modes of profile creation ( Automatic, Edges Path, Support Faces, Wireframe).

  • Multiple profiles selection by only clicking a face. Holes not taken into consideration according to tolerance set.

  • Profile continuity for elements on position 0° and 180°

  • Entities recognized as segments and arcs for better machining


CAD Interfaces


List of CAD Interfaces

Solid Import with Interop:

Importing native files now enables to read the Holes Features from the following CAD systems:

  • SolidWorks

  • Catia V5

  • Creo

  • NX

  • SpaceClaim


SolidWorks Interface

Ability to load SolidWorks configurations.

It is possible to load several config at the same time (for instance 1 config that includes the part and another config that includes the stock).



Dxf/Dwg Import: Our log report highlights the count of circles with unique centers.

For instance, if a file includes 20 circles, but only 14 distinct centers, it indicates there are 14 distinct holes within the part.


Automatic Solid Import Process

The import process has been revamped:

  • the Angle of positioning has been moved to the support face definition step.

  • the bounding box/envelope in the support face step is now in cyan colour.

  • the solid repositions itself just by clicking on the support face, no need to validate first.

Automatic solid import process.png


Automatic Solid Import

Ability to assign colours during automatic solid import in turning to the silhouette elements based on the solid colours.

  • This function can be useful especially in the case of defining an automatic threading in an automatic opelist. A feature in the automatic opelist window allows to select a colour for the silhouette on which to apply the threading cycle to.

  • Another application is to define different feedrates according to the colours in finishing operations.

Assisment of colours to silhouette.png

Solid Validity Test

  • New dialog window for the command.

  • Issues can be visualized by clicking the description in the dialog or the arrows on the screen.

New Feature V611.PNG


New function in the PMI to run the measure between 2 solid faces to modify the value. This only works for annotations of distances and diameters.



Types of PMIs are added in ‘Part Info’

The detail of number of PMIs by type is given: Nb Dimensions (semantics) / Nb Dimensions (graphics) /
Nb Geometric Tolerance / Nb References

Editing dimension does work only with Dimensions (semantics)


List of CAD Interfaces

New import : Rhino CAD software.

The file format is *.3DM. Import of 2D elements and solids.


Holes Features


Creation of Users Holes Models


New command: Users Holes Management

This new command enables to enter in library of Users Holes and also to accede to the Creation of new models.


Standard holes & User Holes

New Dialog window has been created with the same parameters as in the former versions.

The parameters are organized differently, in 3 different tabs

  • Holes Models,

  • Normal: new options, read details below,

  • List of Operations.

V611 New Dialog.png

Standard holes &

User Holes

In the new dialogs, we added a tab called Normal.

It enables to define the normal direction of the holes. You can give the vector direction in X, Y and Z axis. By default, the position is X0 Y0 Z1, to be positioned in the Z direction of Reference plane.

The pipette enables to pick a solid face to recover the direction automatically.

Normal Direction of holes.png


Radial Holes in Turning

Implementation of new standard holes dialog.

We also added 2 improvements:

  • New value to position the hole in the Y direction.

  • Preview of the hole is now dynamic on the screen.


Hole on Slope in Turning

Implementation of new standard holes dialog.

Also, preview of the hole is now dynamic on the screen.


Holes Recognition

When recognizing through holes, the default direction of the recognized hole has been improved.


Holes Recognition

The color of the vectors of holes is managed and can now be customized in Theme by the color for Alternative 1.

This allows the user to adjust the color for better viewing, based on their personalized theme.

Color of Vectors of Holes.PNG

Machining Features


Milling Features

Recognition of Pockets can now separate open and closed stages hence creating separate features for each.

General enhancement.png

Milling Features

In Recognition window, you now have the possibility to choose a library of hole models (standard or user). Recognition will then assign the first compatible model found in the selected library to the recognized holes. Note: This is only application if HMF package is present.


Milling Features

Machining of slots:
It is now possible to machine slot features with a slotting cycle, if the Profile selected option is set to new mode ‘Contour’. (See video - General Enhancement)

Slotting Strategy.png

Milling Features

Optimization in the order of machining has been improved when ‘Group Identical Features’ is activated:

  • Identical operations are merged

  • Capable tool is chosen (if opelist does not force the tool)


Milling Features

Minimum distance calculation (RGMF_SHORTED_DISTANCE):

Calculation of minimum distance is not limited to only distance between pocket and island, or between 2 distinct islands. Now we are also able to determine the narrowest area of a pocket.

(See video - General Enhancement)


Milling Features

Save configuration files:

In the automatic recognition window, you can load/save config files, which contain the types of features to search for, as well as the associated opelists. These files (.inifeat extension) are saved in the GO2cam Ini directory.

(See video - General Enhancement)

Save configs.png

Groove Feature in Turning

New command to create groove, in Shaft Creation:

  • according to standard setting (e.g: DIN standard for Germany)

  • or according to customized settings

  • ability to assign opelist

  • ability to save and load user preferences to create customized groove features

Groove Feature.png

Milling Features in Turning

Millturn recognition differs from milling operations by identifying features across multiple planes.

  • Recognition encompasses axial (front/back), radial, and inclined planes.

  • Creation of planes before function initiation is optional; the recognition process determines feasible machining directions and generates necessary planes as required.

In the turning module, you need an active Milling bit license. Otherwise, certain functions will be unavailable.

The dialog box resembles the Milling one, but without facing, trimming (silhouette), or deburring options. However, it now includes the turning operations.

Features in Millturn.png

Milling Features in Turning

Machining areas of the part can sometimes be done either axially or radially (e.g., an N-pan around the axis of revolution).

  •    Recognition cannot determine the preferable option; user choice is required.

For the moment, the axial case is chosen by default. There is still an option to be added in the dialog box.

(See video - Features in MillTurn)


Milling Features in Turning

Millturn recognition extends to identifying features in a developed plane, based on revolution faces rather than planar faces.

  •   Developed planes are automatically created, functioning effectively on cylindrical and conical surfaces.

  • Cylindrical developed planes are measured in millimeters.

(See video - Features in MillTurn)


Milling Features in Turning

Launch an automatic turning OPL based on recognized parameters, adapting to main or secondary spindle as per plane selection (revolution or rework/return plane).

Grayed out if cycle exists in machining tree.

  •  Access opelists via folder icon; ensure correct typing for automatic turning opelists to appear.


Machining Generalities



The creation of Stock has been completely renewed!

Many new Features and improvements are available; we introduce them into 3 videos presenting 3 different situations:

  • New Dialog (Video1)

  • We have homogenized the dialogs which are the same in: creation, edition & solid import (Video1 and 2)

  • Stock frame is created by a selection of entities (Video1)

  • The creation is dynamic: dimensions are displayed and editable, orange color shows exceed of limits (Video1 and 2)

  • Stock size is defined either by block size (Length, Width, Height) or by margins according to the axis. Those margins can be all different values: X-, X+, Y-, Y+, Z-, Z+ (Video1 and 2))

  • We can link geometry with stock and safety area (Video3)

  • the Safety Area is available only in the stock dialog, not anymore independently (Video3)

  • Milling: cylindrical stock can be defined upon any axis (Video2)

  • Turning:

    • one only solid stock (Video3)

    • bar length definition is available in the dialog now (Video3)

  • A name (label) can be given to the stock

Stock Creation- Dxf file.png

Stock creation for solid.png

Stock creation in Turning.png


New process to define origins.

To homogenize the mechanism with MTE module, we added the table Machining Origins, in the Machining Tree, Line Stock.

It is especially useful when you need several origins in your project.

  • Create all the origins in the table

  • Assign the origins in the List of Operations.

Consequently, we cancelled the possibility to define an origin for an operation in the Machining Tree, Operation > Toolpath Techno.




Toolpath and Dynamic Simulations

The name of origin is now given in the table of coordinates.


Libraries of Cycles

  • Techno files provided by GO2cam and Techno files created by users are now saved into different folders. Consequently, in the library of cycles, you can choose to display either your techno files (User) or GO2cam files (Standard).

  • We added in this version a lot of techno files.

techno files.png

Machining Tree

Copy tool across multiple cycles simultaneously.

You now have the capability to replace one tool with another within a defined set of cycles, as long as all cycles are within the same folder. There are two approaches to achieve this:

  • Choose the tool, then drag it while holding Ctrl key onto the folder.

  • Copy the tool using Ctrl + C and then paste it into the folder.

Copy tool in multiple cycle.png


Machining Tree

Drag & Drop

Previously, the option to use drag & drop was restricted to the creation of a new cycle in the geometry selection process. Now, it is also available when editing an existing cycle.



Coolant number in list of operations

New ability to copy a coolant number:

  • in all cycles using the same tool

  • in all the selected cycles

Coolant multiple.png

Machining Tree

List of Operations

We added new field in the list of operations: Specific coolant


Opelists & EDM Strategies


Automatic opelist

A new selection box has been included in the Automation options window which allows to define a color on which the threading cycle in the opelist will be applied. This feature is linked with another feature related to the automatic import of a solid with colored silhouettes.

Automatic threading by colour.png


Opelists Manager

Check OFF vectors visilibity

For 4 and 5 axis simultaneous operations, new option to Hide vectors. Available in the opelist manager with a right-click in the operation.


Opelists Manager

Tool Orientation

In the opelist manager, we have added the ability to define the tool orientation for each operation.

Milling and Turning dialogues present different options.


Opelists Manager

Automatic References: add of a column Formula

It enables to force the parameter Profile, altitude, etc according to a parameter defined in the opelist.

It leads to the parameterizing of the input of opelists, that may be done with its own dialog.


Opelists Manager

Automatic References: we can now select Features (All the Features and Colour Features' as automatic references for manual operations (contouring, slotting, etc.)





  • The display of colours and tolerance values are now interactive and can be modified directly on the screen.

  • The modifications are automatically updated on the part.

  • Comparison function has also been added to MTE Control and NC Control.



Simulation options

In the dialog of Coordinates, we now display the name of the origin for each operation we simulate.


Simulation options

Icons have been added for the 2 combo lists:

  • Simulation type

  • Toolpath visualization during simulation

V611 - Icons added.png

Machine Tool Environment (MTE)


MTE Simulation

You can now create breakpointsto stop the simulation at that location for MTE Control and NC Control by either:

  • clicking on the left banner of NC blocks in MTE Control, or

  • right-clicking in the time scale in the Gantt.

If you exit the MTE or NCcontrol simulation, the breakpoints are automatically saved. And when we restart the simulation, they are put back in place.

If we save the part, the breakpoints are also kept.

Breakpoints in Control and NC Control.png



While editing an axis of machine, the value of the axis course is now displayed.


Link of Axes

New ability to link two axes together. You can apply this option while creating the machine. In creation of kinematic right-click on an axis and choose ‘Link a Component’. The purpose is to pilot two or several axes together.


Tool numbering

New possibility to modify the tool number hence changing the position of the tool after tool mounting.

You can double click on tool support or right click on tool support then “Change position” to have a window to enter new tool support number. The target tool support have to be empty.



The comparison function has been added in MTE Control.

It is available directly while simulating the machining. When you play the simulation, the comparison is not active, but once you stop the simulation, the comparison is re-calculated.

The comparison has also been improved, please watch a video here: Comparison


2 Axis Milling & Shape


Leadin and Leadout in XY

For Manual Operations, a new option has been added that allows to invert the parameters for the leadin and leadout.

V611 Invert parameters.png


Outside angles:

Under the options window, new toolpath option for the treatment of outside angles: generate loops.

It enables to ensure good quality of corners. This is only possible for center toolpath (not part, compensation)

Contouring - outside angles-20240802-075436.png



Lateral passes in contouring

Independent Passes is renamed into Compacted Passes. Compacted means that no retract is programmed between passes.

The option is not available (grayed out) if the ‘Part’ toolpath is chosen: the passes will always be ‘independent’ (not compacted) and always have gain/loss of compensation for each pass.



Improvement in the calculation of Overlengths for closed profile with 1st and last elements tangent. In V611, the overlengths take into consideration the shape of the profile.

Start overlength (1) is tangent to Last Element and final overlength (2) is tangent to first element.

Start and final overlength.PNG


2 new options in the Slotting:

  • in strategy, new mode of selection to select a closed profile or a solid face: this is the mode Contour. It enables to machine slot with tools of same width by calculating the mid-curve of profile / face.

  • in Movement, we added a new option to leadin with a ramping motion.


Plunge Cycles

We added chip-breaking options in the plunge contour and plunge pocket operations.



New Leadin Rotation speed

In strategy page,the Leadin Depth must have a value, unless Leadin Feedrate and Leadin rotation stay grayed out


Gundrilling and Clevis

Deep Drill and Clevis cycle have been separated into 2 cycles.

Deep Drill has been renamed as Gundrilling.


3 Axis Milling


User Interface

The menu called ‘Multi-Axes Milling’ is now called Shape Milling.

It used to include systematically the menus for 4 and 5 axis simultaneous, while now there may be only 3 axis milling operations, due to the new structure of packages.



The Lens Mill Cutter is available for more cycles:

  • Shape> millyuGO, Roughing, Facing Roughing, Pocket, Facing, Finishing

  • Shape Milling

    • all Roughing operations

    • Parallel Plane, Z Level, Profile, Equidistant, Pocket Morphing, Contour Morphing, Profile Projection.

Tools - lens mill cutter, oval mill cutter, barrel mill cutter.png



The Oval Mill Cutter and Barrel Mill Cutter are now available for Z Level operation.


4-5 Axis Simultaneous


4Xs Cycles

Two new cycles have been added:

  • 4Xs Roughing Standard

  • 4Xs Roughing MillyuGO

The submenu has been renamed to "4X Machining," encompassing both Roughing and Finishing operations.

You can watch a video presenting the 4Xs Roughing millyuGO operation and how to set it up.

From V6.11.202, you are able to simulate these operations in realistic way by setting OFF the option ‘Simplified Machining’.


4Xs Roughing.png


5 Axis Expert



The 5X Expert option has now a dedicated menu of same name. It is not anymore a submenu in '5X simultaneous' menu.




Groove Feature

New command 'Groove' has been added under Shaft Creation to automatically design grooves on parts as per related standards and to assign opelists onto them. Also check Groove Feature in Turning for additional information.



New ‘Feature’ cycle added under ‘Part’ in the Turning tab. This runs the assigned opelist in ‘Groove’ feature to machine the part.



New option that enables to create a table of feedrates associated to colours.

When executing the cycle, the techno functions to change the feedrate are generated automatically.

It enables to program a single toolpath on a whole shape with differing feedrates.

Feed rate by color.png


Plunge type

Now we have a new Plunge type for the Zigzag groove cycle:

This new Zigzag option enables the toolpath to simultaneously move into both axes at each step of the toolpath, providing a unique cutting approach.

ZigZag Groove Operation.png


New abilities to define pecking directions:

  • according to Z only

  • according to X only

Pecking Machining Types.png

Axial Drilling

For manual Drilling operations there is the new ability to preselect the tool by filtering the tool diameter in the selection (same as the milling pocket).

The list is reduced to capable tools with Tool Diameter <= Geometry Diameter

The default diameter is calculated by the position of the picking point.

Axial Drill - Presentation of tools.png

Overlap Method

Finish Groove operation:

With method ‘In groove corner’, we have introduced a new option related to stepover to optimize the toolpath.

Finish Groove Cycle.png


When selecting geometry for the broaching cycle, you can now choose a solid edge instead of just a face (as in 6.10). The selected edge must be linear and collinear with the broaching axis for acceptance. Tool orientation is based on averaging normals of adjacent faces.


Finish Grooving

Management of P point in Part mode

We have added a new type of toolpath calculation: Part (Imaginary Nose)

  • Toolpath calculated on the part, facilitating management of rapid motions within cycles

  • Addresses issues with inter-cycle rapid motion, especially for roughing and finishing operations with the same tool

  • Former option "Part" now renamed to "Part (Tool Center)"


In this situation, we also advise forcing the P Point option directly in the tool page, so that you cannot have 2 different piloted points for the same tool!



Parting Operation

In the Chip-breaking management, we added the possibility to define a dwell at each retract.


Turning Options

The safety parameters defined in Tools>Options>Turning now accept the value 0.

This is dedicated to users who are used to design the leadin and leadout motions.

Those values defined in the Options page are the default values that will be assigned to the parameters of all cycles: please note that it might be dangerous to switch them to 0!


Vertical Turning



New product Vertical Turning:

  • direct access in the Homepage

  • orientation of Z is vertical

  • machine File is correctly set; we have created a new dedicated extension: *.MCV


Swiss Machining


Slice the Part

New ability to slice the part in Z axis, to divide the machining in several areas along Z. Right-click on Material in the Machining tree to get access to the function.

  1. The part is sliced according to your settings: Maxi step, Tolerance & Shoulder selection,

  2. You can also define, add, delete, modify the slices by changing values in the table,

  3. Or you can move the section cursor dynamically in the screen.

When you validate there is no visible change in the geometry. These information are considered only during the application of an automatic opelist.

Slice of Part.png


Wire-Cut EDM


Part Analysis

New automation in the process: Cutting Strategies are automatically applied to the profiles recognized by the command.

For this, we added the concept of Typology into the definition of Strategies. Several types are available:

  • Straight cut for cylinders

  • Taper cut for cylinders

  • Straight Cut (any shape)

  • Taper cut (any shape)

  • Evolutive taper

  • 4 axis machining.

For the typologies of cylinders, we also have the ability to select a range of admissible diameters, to create strategies for holes from 0 to 10 mm, from 10 to 20 mm, etc.

Part analysis.png


Part Analysis

When we have only one solid in GO2cam, it is automatically selected while running the command. You can see it in the video.


Cutting Conditions

EDM code is added in the tools page.

It is now taken into account if defined to link an ID to a material name for cutting conditions management. Before, the name of the material file was used only.


Machine File

The selection of Techno Tables is more simple.

We deleted 2 entries of the combo box: Techno Table and Strategy table

The creation of new tables is available only with mode ‘Sequences'


Multi-Parts Machining (MPM)


Machine File

Management of retracts between cycles

We added a new option in the page Work-Holding Device>Evolution, to retract according to the device bounding box.


User Workshop Document


User Workshop Document

Barcode is added in 3D window under Tool type.

Beforehand, the barcode must be given in the tool page, in Options tab.

The barcode is exported in the document as a bar.


NC Control



Comparison function has been added.



Breakpoints have been added.


NC File

Possibility to allow or not the modification of NC file inside NC Control for operators using "GO2cam Operator". So, in GO2cam we have a flag to activate or not in the operator's profiles & rights.


GO2cam for SolidWorks



New possibilities with Solidworks :

  • FTE (Hole features + persistent Ids)

  • an option allows to choose which config to load. It is possible to load several config at the same time (1 config has the part another config has the stock)



New dialogs for Vericut / Eureka / Makino


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